I'm relocating myself for some time and going back to Holland. Reasons mostly have to do with family and possibilities/opportunities career-wise. Besides that, it's a question of the ability to do a Master's, the work conditions, the violence and some absolutely appalling cases of corruption / abuse of public services / government that the world has ever seen :\ (and in my opinion a general lack of common applied sense and/or lack of action. Brasil (the people, the judiciary system, the democracy) will have to throw out a good lot of incompetent or thieving personas that somehow got their position there before it can go forward.
I'm already looking around for opportunities and have some interviews planned. Later on, I'll have to see how things match together. Project Dune is still going forward, the forums could improve a bit qua traffic. I'm reinstalling and moving between computers at the moment, so editing and other activities may be a bit difficult.
New tool in town: KnowledgeGenes.com
15 years ago
That's terrible. People point to the politics, but the corruption is everywhere, the people make the politics.
Corruption at any point in time can be useful to yourself too, so the incentive to eradicate isnt necessarily there (not pay the fine but a bribe to police for breaking the rules, etc). If corruption is of direct interest in a specific case to an individual, and the interest to eradicate it for a group is of marginal long-run interest that cannot be directly "felt" or "measured", then the eradication of corruption is very difficult, unless you intelligently assess the need for it and establish ethics and morale that counter corruption itself (change behaviour?). Interesting ideas for research...
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