Friday, August 28, 2009

Android: Piggy-backing on the WebKit browser

I've been looking for ways to not store or request username/password combinations for an Android app. The application I'm developing basically needs to get some data from a Google AppEngine application that is deployed, but that app uses authenticated users for doing some queries. I am actually reluctant to request username/password for the application to login, since I don't want people to even believe the combinations can be misused.

Ideally, I want the users to log in using some login provider on the android platform, or reuse login capabilities for gmail/calendar synchronization services, but I don't think that may be possible.

The objective is to just sync some data from the web, after the user logged in with their credentials. The login is then used to perform the query with. All this without needing to have another app register precious login details in its own space, which may get lost or recovered somehow by others.

Webkit to the rescue!

WebKit on Android can be used to show HTML help pages that were bundled along with the app. Also, you can programmatically construct a browser view then use events on the webkit browser to detect when a user finished its conversation (the login process) and then recover the cookies and use that to call the actual service with. The following snippest show how this can be used in practice:

WebView webview;

private class HelloWebViewClient extends WebViewClient {
public boolean shouldOverrideUrlLoading(WebView view, String url){
return true;
public void onPageFinished(WebView view, String url) {
super.onPageFinished(view, url);
CookieManager mgr = CookieManager.getInstance();
Log.i( "HelloAndroid", url );
Log.i( "HelloAndroid", mgr.getCookie( url ) );

public void onCreate(Bundle icicle) {

webview = (WebView) findViewById(;
webview.setWebViewClient(new HelloWebViewClient());

That's a good start for temporarily using the browser to do the login. The advantage is that username/password combinations never travel through your app and the standard web mechanism is used to obtain a set of cookies to use for navigating further. The username/password remain very volatile in this entire process.

Since I am sort of running the application in a browser, there are ways for this android app to 'step out' of the browser through one of the events and call local services. As a matter of fact, there is a very nice addJavascriptInterface call, which can register a specific interface in Javascript, which can be called by downloaded HTML pages. Certainly, care must be taken security-wise not to have any other pages loaded in the same browser instance that could also call the javascript interface.

class Logger
public void log(String content)
Log.i( "HelloAndroid", url );

..... setWebViewClient(new HelloWebViewClient());
webview.addJavascriptInterface(new Logger(), "Logger");
webview.loadUrl( ........

If then your remote HTML file contains:

window.Logger.log( 'hello Android!' );

You basically have a way to let your android phone do things through the remote server app. The WebViewClient should probably contain a couple of safety controls to disallow browsing to foreign destinations.

Why is this so interesting? because you can now create a server-based GWT app and create a nice-looking browser-based interface (generated or stored server-side) and possibly avoid a good deal of code for native interfaces.

It should even be possible to finish up the browsing part if the server dictates so and continue with some intent on the handset device (and possibly return later).

My intention is to just sync some information for another app and then use that data for other purposes locally. The browser allows me to use GWT all the way, so I can use that to do the very effective GWT-RPC calls to communicate data across effectively. The GWT client code can then call the pre-meditated interfaces in the android app, and we're done!

On towards the next phases... :)


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