New tool in town:
15 years ago
Not hindered by any lack of knowledge, this blog aims to provide challenging thoughts on various topics.
A = U Ʃ V
[ [3,5,2,4,4],One thing I discovered (which many sites probably mention in not so readable terms :), is that when the matrix becomes relatively large, the first singular value on the diagonal approximates the average multiplied by the square root of the total numbers available in the matrix ( in the case above, the average is 3.48 ).
[1,5,5,2,2] ]
Ʃ(1) = avg * sqrt( number_of_cells )The second singular value for larger, irregular matrices is approximated by:
Ʃ(2) = sqrt( 2 * Ʃ(1) )So there certainly is a pattern being generated. Each singular value in the decomposition is actually a gain factor. So, if the matrix is really, really large, the singular values become in the orders of 1000's and the values in the first columns of U, V become 1/1000 in the case of this particular range for the Netflix data ( 1-5 across the matrix ).
sigma = mat( [ 17.76224954, 3.5139895, 3.16968094, 1.60407331, 0.73105457 ] )And here are U and V:
mw = mat( [[-0.44379232, -0.33273609 ,-0.80072792 , 0.11314317 ,-0.19587877], \Notice how in the U and V matrix, the numbers are maintained at roughly the same magnitude throughout each dimension (you need to read rows and each column further to the right is one dimension deeper). This can be done because if you follow the implementation of SVD correctly, the singular value is the gain factor. So, choosing the correct 'gain' is essential for proper functioning of the model, or you need to adjust the parameters in each dimension.
[-0.4616133 , 0.58960592 , 0.15588499 ,-0.08007446 ,-0.63919166], \
[-0.5053614 , 0.05135939 , 0.03629005 ,-0.69454331 , 0.50819749], \
[-0.41956887 , 0.28391073 , 0.09075436 , 0.69668699 , 0.49974748], \
[-0.39816248 ,-0.67705869 , 0.57007135 , 0.11412068 ,-0.21225762] ] )
cw = mat( [[-0.33638547 , 0.24667399 ,-0.32741104 ,-0.73031105 , 0.43063272], \
[-0.47365356 ,-0.80039862 ,-0.13379567 , 0.1795791 , 0.29131499], \
[-0.52873629 , 0.082443 , 0.81168849 ,-0.18044758 ,-0.14913599], \
[-0.50662787 , 0.5372694 ,-0.21592459 , 0.61450025 , 0.17445861], \
[-0.3553354 ,-0.05530591, -0.4116298 ,-0.15564457 ,-0.82280841] ] )
[[4 4 4 4 4]Whoops, what happened? We now only have 2 dimensions left, but after the third dimension all values are 0? This is because the matrix is so regular that it can be described perfectly with two factors. Hmmm.... So if there is good regularity in the data, then we need less numbers to represent the matrix! Of course, the above is taken to the extreme, but looking at recommendation systems, there are certainly regularities:
[5 5 5 5 5]
[3 3 3 3 3]
[2 2 2 2 2]
[1 1 1 1 1]]
[[-0.54446573 -0.21442291 0.76382282 -0.25982498 0.08152026]
[-0.65208362 -0.46955287 -0.55122106 0.17692309 0.13842191]
[-0.3619848 0.49755586 0.15572615 0.71006801 -0.30489008]
[-0.31846257 0.36154464 -0.26944015 -0.60360543 -0.57526478]
[-0.21422565 0.59604242 -0.12602146 -0.1807017 0.74182633]]
[ 17.71717246 1.04811144 0. 0. 0. ]
[[-0.53913501 0.50275905 0.61561055 -0.13109677 0.24577241]
[-0.40915723 -0.26153467 0.04808419 0.872681 -0.01748586]
[-0.35699995 -0.56822929 -0.1744093 -0.31507809 0.64805378]
[-0.37793419 -0.44513203 0.23939904 -0.33777929 -0.69829541]
[-0.52119151 0.39724791 -0.72868447 -0.08872685 -0.17804491]]
Aij = Ri1 * Cj1 * Ʃ1In practice, for slightly larger matrices and those that are totally random, the root mean square error of each estimation vs. the real value will be around 1.41 or so. Of course, this is a function of the range used in the actual matrix A. It also shows that if the matrix is highly irregular, you're not converging very quickly to an error rate where your model becomes useful for making nice approximations.
-Wall -march=core2 -mtune=core2 -O2These show that the binaries to be built are tuned specifically to my processor that I am running, instead of generic "i386" architectures. I'm also no expert on Python, so there may be many ways to totally optimize python such that it runs much better. The flags above will generate code that is much more efficient and reduces a single cycle of 27 seconds on generic i386 architectures to 7 secs in total.
my2DArray[ ROWS ][ COLS ];When cycling through this loop, you'll want to do this by rows first, then cycle on the columns. The columns are probably linearly aligned in memory, one after the other. So you'd typically iterate through this array through:
for i = 0 to ROWS:Compare that to:
for j = 0 to COLS:
my2DArray[ i ][ j ]
for j = 0 to COLS:The second has cache misses all over the place, which is very bad for performance. Ideally, for computational tasks you find an algorithm that both keeps data close in the processor cache as long as possible, but of course only if that is feasible.
for i = 0 to ROWS:
my2DArray[ i ][ j ]
from scipy import linalg, mat, dot;This code prints the following:
matrix = mat( [[2,1,0,0], [4,3,0,0]] );
print "Original matrix:"
print matrix
U, s, V = linalg.svd( matrix )
print "U:"
print U
print "sigma:"
print s
print "VT:"
print V
dimensions = 1
rows,cols = matrix.shape
#Dimension reduction, build SIGMA'
for index in xrange(dimensions, rows):
print "reduced sigma:"
print s
#Reconstruct MATRIX'
reconstructedMatrix= dot(dot(U,linalg.diagsvd(s,len(matrix),len(V))),V)
#Print transform
print "reconstructed:"
print reconstructedMatrix
Original matrix:And with one more dimension for sigma:
[[2 1 0 0]
[4 3 0 0]]
[[-0.40455358 -0.9145143 ]
[-0.9145143 0.40455358]]
[ 5.4649857 0.36596619]
[[-0.81741556 -0.57604844 0. 0. ]
[-0.57604844 0.81741556 0. 0. ]
[ 0. 0. 1. 0. ]
[ 0. 0. 0. 1. ]]
reduced sigma:
[ 5.4649857 0. ]
[[ 1.80720735 1.27357371 0. 0. ]
[ 4.08528566 2.87897923 0. 0. ]]
reduced sigma:This is how you can use Python for quick tests and experiments on SVD.
[ 5.4649857 0.36596619]
[[ 2. 1. 0. 0.]
[ 4. 3. 0. 0.]]