Thursday, March 15, 2007


One of my colleagues has just released a version of "Gluon", which is a plugin for Eclipse that allows you to develop in BREW.

" GLUON is a fully open source IDE for BREWTM, based on Eclipse and CDT plugin. It increases your software quality and productivity by providing high-value features that are not available on the current development environment. It leverages BREWTM development on companies and individuals, making development process easy, enabling developer to focus on application."

Check it out. If you are into any kind of BREW development, you'd certainly love to see the features and ability to debug.

(btw, the design for the page was made by another colleague in only a very short time before launch).

The plugin will be discussed at the EclipseCon. Follow the link on the page.


288clandestino said...

bora guéééééééra!! adivinha quem é! hahahahahahahaha

nunca mais tinha passado por aqui. e vo parar p ler com calma depois, mas n podia deixar d deixar um recado pra um grande amigo que eu admiro pracaralho!

abração gerard

Gerard Toonstra said...

Oi Pedro! Tudo bem?

Pronto. Dá uma olhada para os posts da India primeiro. Outobro / Novembro 2006.
