Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Pro log

No, I'm not in favor of forest logging. Prolog is a declarative language, part of the fifth generation of programming languages. I'm following the final course for this academic year, for which 2 assignments need to be created. The first assignment was a game basically with heuristics for intelligence. The other assignment is an artificial reasoning thing, where it needs to reason about the types of relations between countries. The questions and facts are written in natural language, then stored in alternative format in a more workable representation for the computer. It can be stored to and re-read from disk. It can also derive relations between two regions that have no direct relation declared, but because X has a relation with Y and Y has a relation with Z, the program can derive the possible relations (a set) between X and Z. It's coming along quite nicely at the moment, reasoning is pretty much working. There are some types of questions that are not entirely answered yet however, but it should be possible to complete them pretty quickly.

Both assignments had very interesting elements in them, whilst at the same time generating quite a bit of frustration. Prolog is a language where you're not necessarily directly in control of memory and so on. When programming a couple of years in procedural languages (most are: C/Java/PHP/C++/Python/Perl). Well, about Java and C++, opinions are divided. They don't necessarily call it procedural, since in smart cases it's about objects reacting to events. In my view though, a C++ class can be considered a whipped up C struct with a virtual table of function pointers (except that the compiler lacks other capabilities and the STL and so on).

Cool thing about prolog are the recursive abilities that usually accompany list manipulation. The interpreter does the backtracking basically, so you just tell the environment what you want to achieve. That's why it's declarative.

The main goal of prolog is: "achieve truth". Never forget that when programming in prolog. The only thing that the interpreter is ever trying to do is find paths and instantiations that, through the declared end-goal, achieve a "true" condition. Whenever a false condition occurs, the interpreter starts backtracking and will start to search for different combinations of instantiations and paths, basically other candidates.

The thing that is not very easy for beginners in prolog is branching. If you're used to the programming of 'if-trees', those if X then Y kind of structures, then prolog doesn't give you lots of tools to handle these. The good thing is that you start to think about many problems as a very generic problem, thus your approach to solving it also becomes very generic. The bad thing is that when you really need it, the amount of code may start to rise a bit.

Well, luckily the language allows modules and there are quite some internal predicates available for making programming easier, but it isn't yet as easy (for me) as programming Java or anything else.

Part of that, I think, is related to finding the correct approaches to doing things in a certain context, also called patterns. For prolog, the practice of programming prolog isn't very well documented or discussed, where the techniques that prolog allows has a lot of examples. The main examples are "knight's tour" and "sudoku".

Scheduling optimization is a topic that is more and more important for larger companies as well, or finding "a" best solution to a set of constraints and a configuration of entities. Think of DHL and timing of getting deliveries in time, think optimization of a pick-up route in logistics (travelling salesman?), think optimizing the order in which tasks need to be executed (and by whom?) across a set of resources, think developing the order in which ships may travel down a channel to take berth, having an anchorage at the outside.

These problems should not be under-estimated. With 3-4 or less constraints, procedural languages probably allow you to find a good solution within milliseconds. But when constraints are > 5 and it is possible that these increase, the procedural language solution becomes too complex, testing the solution is too complex and time-consuming and the confidence of the developers that the solution is *right* starts to decrease.

So, prolog can be pretty cool. It's pretty much crap for web development or general systems development, but once you get into that difficult problem with >4 constraints, have a look at it and see what it does, it's pretty powerful.

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